Wikipedia Page
In 1974, Walco, Incorporated in New York and began designing and releasing Li’l Missy beaded doll kits with styrofoam bodies, vinyl heads and chenille wire arms. They initially sold for $1.49 each. They were carried by several of the craft stores at the time and the designs appealed to girls and women from 8 years and up.
Between 1974 and 1976, Walco produced an estimated 65 different doll designs. In additional to names, each doll design was assigned a unique number. The doll designs started with number 13301 and the last Walco doll was #13364. Several of the designs were lost and no records exist of them.
In 1976, Walco changed its name to Holiday Industries. The same management team led the company and little changed about the Li’l Missy dolls except the logo. Under the Holiday name, an estimated 130 additional unique dolls were produced. In addition to the dolls, Holiday started a doll club, where fans could receive special catalogs and collect ‘limited edition’ dolls. Little is known about those dolls or catalogs, but I would love to get details if you have them.
In 1979, Holiday Industries began to have significant financial trouble and they stopped releasing new dolls. In 1982, they filed for bankcrupcy. Sulan industries of Florida bought the design rights and they releases 8 dolls under their logo between 1982-1984.